Enterprise Search Market Diversifies and Competition Increases

December 30, 2013

The article Enterprise Search Pie on HadoopSphere makes an interesting analogy between a heating up pie and enterprise search. The article claims to bear witness to the altering landscape of the search market. Some of the trends noted include more in-your-face pricing by conservative software, a rising interest in Solr and Lucene-based offerings, cloud based setups and “key spike in the offerings basket.” Analytics for search and content also play a part in enterprise set up, especially for eDiscovery, e-commerce and decision and content management systems.

The article also explains how Cloudera Search is a part of this change:

“Cloudera Search has Apache Solr integrated with CDH, including Apache Lucene, Apache SolrCloud, Apache Flume, Apache Hadoop MapReduce & HDFS, and Apache Tika. Cloudera Search also includes integrations that make searching more scalable, easy to use, and optimized for both near-real-time and batch-oriented indexing. Cloudera has adapted the SolrCloud project  and leveraged Apache Zookeeper to coordinate distributed processing… From a customer perspective, this is an exciting time as Hadoop distributions venture out in broader territory offering them easier data mining capabilities.”

The article also emphasizes IBM Infosphere Data Explorer, once known as Vivismo, which works with BigInsights Hadoop distribution and LucidWorks Search with MapR, which provides data mining capabilities that ingests data into MapR through LucidWorks Search to make the data searchable. The article only imagines more “feature-rich” offerings in the future as competition and interest grow.

Chelsea Kerwin, December 30, 2013

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One Response to “Enterprise Search Market Diversifies and Competition Increases”

  1. LucidWorks: Trusted Lucene/Solr Solutions and Support - CTOvision.com on February 10th, 2014 11:21 am

    […] Enterprise Search Market Diversifies and Competition Increases (arnoldit.com) […]

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