A Roundup Of NLP

March 6, 2014

If you are currently conducting research on natural language processing software, but have come to a halt in resources, we located Connexor’s “NLP Library.” Connexor is a company that develops text analysis software components, solutions, and services. They are experts in their line of work and are keen to help people utilize their data to its full extent. Connexor explains that:

“Connexor components have turned out to be necessary in many types of software products and solutions that need linguistic intelligence in text analytics tasks. We work with software houses, service providers, system integrators, resellers and research labs, in the fields of education, health, security, business and administration. We have customers and partners in over 30 countries.”

The company’s NLP Library includes bibliographic citations for articles. We can assume that Connexor employees wrote these articles. They range on a variety of subjects dealing with natural language processing, text evaluation, and they even touch on emotion extraction from text. These articles are a handy resource, especially if you need up to date research. There is only one article for 2014, but the year is still young and more are probably on the way.

Whitney Grace, March 06, 2014
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One Response to “A Roundup Of NLP”

  1. Atro Voutilainen on March 6th, 2014 3:03 am


    Most of the articles are written by others (typically academics using Connexor parsers). Each article describes use of Connexor in different studies or sw prototypes. The articles may be a handy resourse for people designing an NLP-intensive application.

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