MaxxCAT Reveals New Model and Adjusted Pricing
May 23, 2014
The article titled MaxxCAT Anmounces New Hardware, Pricing in Preparation for New OS on ICT Procurement came with a disclaimer that seemed aimed at other tech giants like Apple. Burt LeFay, hardware manager for Maxxcat, wanted to assure customers that the new hardware would be compatible with the old. There is nothing more annoying than downloading a new version of, say, ITunes, only to learn moments after that it is no longer compatible with your old Macbook. The article states,
““We know how it feels to purchase your hardware and a week later the company announces something new,” said Burt LeFay… “We began testing the new hardware several months ago and developed a special release of our earlier OS to work with the new hardware. That way we could begin shipping the new hardware while we finalized the latest OS.” Customers who have purchased their appliance recently have received the new hardware and can contact MaxxCAT support to schedule an update.”
Maxxcat has been creating high-performance search appliances since 2007, of which they offer a comparison to Google on their website. Demos are available on request. The new model, MaxxCAT 5.0, is touted for its more potent hardware and competitive pricing.
Chelsea Kerwin, May 23, 2014
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