Learn Something New Today, With Free-As-In-Beer Downloadable Books
June 13, 2014
The article titled 12 Free (As In Beer) Data Mining Books on Christonard lists many excellent books available for download. Free-as-in-beer, the article explains, means that the download is complete and without payment. Statistical learning books, programming guides, guides to Bayes and Bayesian reasoning are all included in the list with a brief synopsis. For example,
“Machine Learning – The Complete Guide – This one is new to me. It’s a collection of Wikipedia articles organized into chapters & downloadable in a number of formats. I didn’t realize they did this, but it’s a great idea. Because it’s a collection of individual articles, it covers quite a bit more material than a single author could write. This is an incredible resource.”
The possibilities are endless with content available for free. The only limitations on knowledge gathering today are time and ambition- based. Anyone with a few hours and the willpower to turn off the TV and Facebook can learn for free. This list in particular shows the appeal to beginners, with the article touting readability and the introductory level that many of the books maintain. They are not short, either. David Barber’s Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning clocks in at 648 pages, and The Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friendman has 745 free-to-download pages.
Chelsea Kerwin, June 13, 2014
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4 Responses to “Learn Something New Today, With Free-As-In-Beer Downloadable Books”
Yes, there has been a blog about how to write a book (compile a book) using Wikipedia articles, which are public domain. Seems a bit of a rip off by writers not having the initiative to research and write their own material, but if the book is free and they are not making money on it, why not?
Learn Something New Today, With Free-As-In-Beer Downloadable Books : Stephen E. Arnold @ Beyond Search
Learn Something New Today, With Free-As-In-Beer Downloadable Books : Stephen E. Arnold @ Beyond Search
that guy
Learn Something New Today, With Free-As-In-Beer Downloadable Books : Stephen E. Arnold @ Beyond Search