Google Fatigue: Get Over It

November 9, 2014

I did three monographs about Google’s technology. I developed Google fatigue about half way through the research for “The Google Legacy,” now out of print. (A librarian told me that there is a copy online somewhere, but I never bothered to look.)

This morning I read a listicle that reminded me of three things:

  1. I don’t pay much, if any, attention to Google’s activities. Oh, I did notice the balloon thing, the barge thing, and the “solve death” thing.
  2. My interest in keeping tracking of Google emissions is close to zero.
  3. The coming and going of products like Orkut, Wave, Web Accelerator, etc. reminds me that I don’t want to waste cycles learning about digital mayflies.

If you think my three points are the honkings of a wild goose, you will want to read and memorize “18 Cool Google Products You Might Not Have Known About.”

Here are three examples from the author’s “gotta love these” file:

  1. Plan your wedding with Google (Married once and entering year 46. No immediate plans to do another wedding or pay for one.)
  2. The Google to do list (I use a pencil and note cards and have for the last 60 years)
  3. Swiftly. (I have no clue what this is.)

Go forth and Google. Sounds like a Star Wars’ injunction.

Stephen E Arnold, November 9, 2014


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