WikiSummarizer Summarizes Wikipedia Articles in Visual Knowledge Map
December 26, 2014
The interesting tool called WikiSummarizer presents a summary of Wikipedia articles, particularly useful for students and consultants. Rather than reading the full text of a Wikipedia article (which is, yes, already a condensed text) you can now search for summarized article to get the headlines of a given subject. The FAQ’s for WikiSummarizer explain,
“WikiSummarizer automatically summarizes the Wikipedia articles. The program identifies the most important keywords and ranks them by relevancy. For each keyword the most significant sentences in the original text are presented to the reader. You instantly get the headlines with the most important sentences and keywords. The blending of visualization with summarization, knowledge browsing, mind mapping provides you with a wide range of means to explore relevant content. At a glance, without much reading, you immediately spot the key information chunks.”
Perhaps someday soon, we will be able to read nothing at all and know… the “chunks.” For example, when you search the keyword Hamlet, (the play) what Wikipedia decides to promote as the most relevant information is when Shakespeare wrote it and what the story was based on. This is followed by several blurbs summarizing the play itself and then a brief description of the critical reception among Romantics, providing what reads as a Sparknote of a Sparknote. WikiSummarizer offers visual summary maps, visual trees, and word clouds connected to the Wikipedia Knowledge base.
Chelsea Kerwin, December 26, 2014
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