Basho: A Comeback?

January 18, 2015

I read “NoSQL Pioneer Basho Scores $25M to Attempt a Comeback.” In 2012, Basho looked like a player. Then the company lost traction. The all-too-familiar “staff changes” kicked in. Now the company has gobbled another $25 million to the $32 million previously raised. My thought is that generating this much cash from a NoSQL system is going to be a task I would not undertake. I do have a profile of Basho when it was looking like a contender. I will hunt it down and post a version on the Xenky Vendor Profiles page. I will put an item in Beyond Search and provide the link to a free profile of the company in the next few days. Availability of the free report will be in Beyond Search.

Stephen E Arnold, January 18, 2015


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