Plentiful, Presaging Prognostications
December 19, 2015
I read a roll up type article. “Industry Speaks: Top 33 Big Data Predictions for 2016” presents a fulsome suite of forecasts about 2016’s technology trends. If you are a fan of the race track tout approach to winners, you will want to print out this article and keep it with you.
I would love to comment on each prediction, but that, gentle reader, is a lot of work. I would prefer to return to my analysis of Palantir.
I did circle three of the predictions which I found somewhat intriguing. My hope is that you will want to dig deeply into the other 30 future forward conjectures. Here we go:
- Big Data will die. My hunch is that one would have to kill off the PR spouting spawn of marketing and sales departments before the monster of Big Data is tamed. Nice effort, bold prediction. My view is that it is pretty loco given the present environment.
- Companies will hire chief insight officers. Wow. My view is that folks struggling to deliver revenues will change their titles. I am not sure that human resources will work hand in glove with senior executives to hire a new person to be in charge of “insight.” I thought business intelligence software delivered this insight stuff.
- Spark will kill Hadoop. Interesting. I assume I was incorrect in thinking that Hadoop could be thought of as a variant of Google’s really old MapReduce technology. Hadoop is a bit of a challenge, but “killing” seems a bit of a stretch.
For the other 30 previsons, check out the original. Amazing stuff. Most of the horoscopes are like newspaper horoscopes; that is, data free.
Stephen E Arnold, December 19, 2015