Glass: Forgetting Failure

January 31, 2016

I loved the entire Google Glass innovation. From the hiring of Babak Amirparviz (the man with many names) to the comments of Astro Teller (you know, the relative of the father of the hydrogen bomb) to the alleged attraction between a big Googler and a smaller Googler which contributed to the Xiaomi mobile business.

I recall that felicitous word glasshole. I enjoyed the shift of Google Glass to a fashion statement. Math club folks always have had a keen sense of style.

I read “Google Erases Memory of Glass” hopeful I would learn some more about Google Glass. (Doesn’t Google “delete” or “break” stuff. “Erase” does not do the job with a wonky head mounted computer thing that sort of puts a smartphone on one’s head.)

I noted this statement:

Google seems to have wiped all the content from the social media channels associated with Google Glass. The Glass Explorers group on Google+ has been completely erased, while Glass’ Facebook and Twitter have been deleted completely.

I thought Glass was a business product and service. According to the write up, the name “glass” may not survive the convenient revisionism underway.

Wait. Who was that ruler who rewrote history books? Maybe Stalin? Who can forget even if history is revised? Did Googler have to fill out a request to be removed for the Glass adventure?

Stephen E Arnold, January 31, 2016


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