Marketing Craziness Will Dominate in 2018
December 15, 2017
It’s official. The new year will herald more marketing craziness than even I expected. The proof, if one can call a survey of people who want to be really rich while keeping Sillycon Valley in high clover, a source of unbiased information appears in “State of Startups.”
I learned:
In 2015 and 2016, engineering leaders were far and away the hardest executive hires to make. But this year, the tables turned, and sales leaders became the most coveted and difficult hires (with 26% saying sales was the hardest vs. 24% saying engineering). This looks like the start of a sea change as more enterprise companies enter the fray, compete for talent, and see firsthand how costly a bad VP of Sales hire can be.
The “report” outlines other issues of importance. For me, the shift from gee whiz technology to selling products and services is the signal for the revenue horse race to begin.
Marketing by jargon, demo fluff, and mindless automated communications are likely to be in contention. But the smart money is on the consummate sales person who can close deals and generate revenue. Horse owners want a payoff because digital currency seems to be a new game for those with a desire to bet on a big winner.
They are off and running.
Stephen E Arnold, December 15, 2017