Google and Microsoft: Swords Are Brandished

December 21, 2017

Google seems to be making some big companies nervous. Amazon and Google have a video disagreement. Now Google and Microsoft are at odds over the Chrome browser. “Microsoft Foils Google’s Bid to Smuggle Chrome onto Windows Store” explains:

Google has tried something of a cheeky ‘workaround’, if you like, for getting its Chrome browser onto the Windows Store – it put an installer for the app on the store, rather than the app itself, although Microsoft has now removed it.

What’s interesting to me is:

  • Google is presented as “cheeky”
  • Microsoft perceives Chrome as posing a “security” issue
  • Google is worried about “fake” or “lookalike” Chrome apps
  • Google uses “shenanigans”.

In short, the article seems a bit negative to the GOOG. Interesting Google tactics and an even more interesting description of this tug of war between two fair minded, trustworthy, helpful companies.

Microsoft “foils”; Google “smuggles.” Love it!

Stephen E Arnold, December 21, 2017


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