Enterprise Search: Not Even a Bridesmaid Now

June 1, 2018

By this point in our history, you would think that most enterprise search would be created equally. However, there are still some stalwarts that are only now stepping into the golden age of search, as it were. One odd entry into this club was discovered after reading a white paper by Hyland on “Enterprise Search”.

According to the paper on Hyland’s new product:

“Enterprise Search allows you to provide access to the right information even if users don’t know exactly where to find it. Enable anyone to build powerful queries without expertise using intuitive, menu-assisted and natural language search options. You can also find answers when there are misspelled search terms, inexact queries, substandard data, document errors and other faults.”

Seems a little elementary, right? We suspect this has a little to do with playing catchup in the field. Hyland recently acquired Lexmark’s enterprise software arm, which itself was never exactly leading the field. (Lexmark bought ISYS Search Software, an outfit with technology from the mid 1980s if the founder spoke the truth when I interviewed him in 2008.) This will be interesting to see where Hyland takes this technology, though. The company has been around for a while and seems intent on wedging itself into the enterprise data conversation. However, it’ll have to make some light speed advances in order to go toe-to-toe with the big dogs in this battle.

Patrick Roland, June 1, 2018


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