Boat Anchor Productivity: The Mac Edition

November 14, 2019

Most of the young sprouts I see at Starbuck’s are using mobile phones. Nevertheless, the information in “IBM: Mac Users Are Happier and More Productive” explains that joy for IBM employees is available at the Apple store. The write up states:

IBM CIO Fletcher Previn talked up fresh IBM findings that show those of its employees who use Macs are more likely to stay with IBM and exceed performance expectations compared to PC users.

How happy? The write up reports:

MacOS users are happier with the third-party software availability within IBM — just 5% of MacOS users ask for additional software, compared to 11% of Windows users.

Sounds Garageband good. Now about:

  • The weird controls in Garageband for audio recording
  • The thrill of learning that Apple updates alter MIDI settings
  • The ecosystem weirdness of some apps in the Apple store and other apps available from vendors
  • The incredible performance degradation of apps like iTunes over time.

Yep, nothing but thrills DarkCyber like happy IBM professionals. Why aren’t these folks using IBM computers with OS/2?

Stephen E Arnold, November 14, 2019


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