Lock In: New Buzzword

February 3, 2020

The idea of subscribing to printer ink seems like an interesting idea. For the vendor of ink, the idea is a winner. Evergreen revenues coupled with opaque “turn off this charge” procedures: It is an innovation.

Subscribe to everything. That works out when one is infected with Excel fever, arguably a more interesting disease than corona virus or wuflu.

How does one describe this idea that a person will subscribe, subscribe, and subscribe until death does part the credit card and the human.

That term is “forever transaction.”

Sounds better than lock in?

For more on this term and its close cousins like “membership economy” navigate to “Is the Forever Transaction Ethical?.”

DarkCyber won’t answer this question. Infinite subscriptions makes a nifty Excel chart. Forever, right?

Stephen E Arnold, February 3, 2020


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