Crazy Enterprise Search Market Report for May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020

Another crazy enterprise market report is now available. This one skips when the report was written, falling back on the vague word “recent.” In fact, my hunch is that this is one dicey report marketed under different aliases in order to gin up sales.

The title? “Enterprise Search Market Dynamics, Comprehensive Analysis, Business Growth, Revealing Key Drivers, Prospects and Opportunities 2025”

What’s in this gem from Market Study Report. The write up about the report promises:

The recent document on the Enterprise Search market involves breakdown of this industry as well as division of this vertical. As per the report, the Enterprise Search market is subjected to grow and gain returns over the predicted time period with an outstanding growth rate y-o-y over the predicted period.

Yep, outstanding. Obviously the global economic downturn has not had an impact on the half century young enterprise search software sector.

Enterprise search solutions are hot items. Forget hand sanitizer and surgical masks, enterprise search solutions are the barn burners. Are their lines of eager customers queuing outside of Algolia, Coveo, Elastic, IBM Omnifind’s office, Lucidworks, and Microsoft’s search facility in Beijing? Sure, sure, long lines. No social distancing either. Jostling and crowding is what happens when a sizzler is on offer.

The report presents information “with regards to the geographical landscape.” Yep, but how many languages do enterprise search systems support?

What’s interesting is the list of companies analyzed in the report? Here you go:

Attivio Inc

Concept Searching Limited

Coveo Corp

Dassault Systemes

Expert System Inc



IBM Corp

Lucid Work (Would it be helpful if the report authors spelled the name of the company correctly, wouldn’t it?)

Marklogic Inc

Micro Focus




X1 Technologies

There are some notable omissions, but I won’t provide these names. Obviously I am not hip to where enterprise search is at at this moment.

In the three editions of the Enterprise Search Report I wrote, it never crossed my mind to include this a manufacturing cost structure analysis. Poor stupid me.

What seems clear is that whoever is marketing this report recycles the content under different names, hoping for a sale.

The data in the report, one hopes, is more polished than the promotional material.

Stephen E Arnold, May 25, 2020


One Response to “Crazy Enterprise Search Market Report for May 25, 2020”

  1. kamee-software on May 25th, 2020 6:17 am

    Very interesting topic !

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