The AI Landscape from Topbots

September 17, 2020

DarkCyber finds logo collections fascinating.


The most recent “infographic” from Topbots groups companies engaged in artificial intelligence into categories; specifically:

B2B sales and marketing
Business intelligence
Consumer marketing
Customer management
Data science and machine learning
Digital commerce
Engineering and information technology
Finance and operations
HR and recruiting
Health care
Industrials and manufacturing
Legal and compliance
Logistics and supply chain
Security and risk
Service providers

Is the list of categories exhaustive? No, for example, there is no category for policeware and intelware.

Is the list of companies comprehensive? No, for example, Anduril, Geospark Analytics, and similar firms are not included.

It doe snot appear that Amazon, Google, or Microsoft are included. Each of these firms is active in artificial intelligence across a spectrum of applications and use cases.

Nevertheless, the diagram is attractive. That’s important for the millennials and MBA go getters.

Stephen E Arnold, September 17, 2020


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