Automated Databases: Data Sets for Sale
September 25, 2020
The word “scrape” refers to software. The code copies data from a Web site. The data are converted to a standard format. These data are gathered in a database. The key points are that the data can be accessed on a public Web site. Some scraping processes can log on and enter passwords. The result of “scraping” is the digital equivalent of an old-fashioned researcher’s note cards. Scrapehunt provides scraping as a service. The magic of’s service is that you can purchase a set of scraped data created by the company. You can also use the service to generate a custom database. One example is the firm’s news database which can cost a couple of hundred dollars or less if there is a sale underway. The data can be used to provide grist for a machine learning mill. For more information, navigate to Scrapehunt’s Web site.
Stephen E Arnold, September 25, 2020