Is There a Lack of Talent for Artificial Intelligence?

October 7, 2020

Absolutely, positively no. At least that’s what “Lack of AI Skills a Myth” reports. And the source of this oracular revelation? Pick one: [a] A Chinese fortune cookie, [b] US outfits dependent on whiz kids from Eastern Europe, India, and China (yes, China!), [c] consultants on a Zoom call making up great ideas for selling consulting, [d] tweets from a non-US disinformation service, or [e] Amazon Sagemaker training collateral?

According to the write up:

A Gartner poll of roughly 200 business and IT professionals in September,2020 revealed that 24% of respondents’ organizations increased their artificial intelligence investments and 42% kept them unchanged since the onset of COVID-19. Growth – namely customer experience and retention, and revenue growth – along with cost optimization were the top focus areas for their current AI initiatives.

A sample of “roughly” 200 selected how exactly? What about the margin of error for the global information technology, information research community, and smart software practitioners in places like Bangalore?

Okay? This is not Statistics 205, but it is a content marketing thing. I get it.

Let’s look at some of the other “findings” from the “roughly” 200 respondents. (Were these folks compensated in some way? Are they clients of the research company fresh from a Zoom webinar on AI and ML?)

Alleged findings:

  • 75 percent of the sample will continue or start new AI projects
  • 79 percent of the sample says something slightly different from the dot point above; namely, “79 percent of the respondents said their organizations were exploring or piloting AI projects
  • 21 percent of the “sample” stated their AI initiatives were “in production.”

And the conclusion?

According to the consulting firm, “the lack of AI talent is a myth.”

Sounds like a rock solid conclusion based on the “sample.”

Truly remarkable.

Stephen E Arnold, October 7, 2020


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