Artificial Intelligence: A Semi Cool Loop?
December 1, 2020
What metaphorical disaster awaits when artificial intelligence diffuses? “An AI Winter May Be Inevitable. What We Should Fear More: An AI Ice Age” suggests that no one is paying attention to the increased use of smart software. I did not think of artificial intelligence in terms of the winter or an ice age. However, Here’s the passage I noted:
We’re only seeing the most progress in learning because that’s where all the investment is going. For example: we’ve only been focused on learning the last 15 years. But AI done properly needs to cover a range of intelligence capabilities, of which being able to learn and spot patterns is just one; there’s reasoning, there’s understanding, there’s a lot of other types of intelligence capabilities that should be part of an overall Artificial Intelligence practice or capability. We know why that is—we’re focused on learning because we got good traction with that and made solid progress. But there’s all the other AI capabilities that we should be also looking at and investigating, and we’re just not. It’s a Catch-22: all the smart money is going into Machine Learning because that’s where we’re seeing the most progress, but we’re only seeing the most progress in learning because that’s where all the investment is going!
The circularity and feedback loop is a characteristic of some technology and digital operations. Perhaps the datasphere allows iterative processes to manifest themselves and then amplify their effects? I am not sure this hypothetical behavior fits into the winter and ice age metaphor.
Narrowing one’s focus may accelerate the fragmentation of an already fuzzy concept like smart software.
Stephen E Arnold, December 1, 2020