Predicting Behavior from Videos: A New Frontier for Touts
July 13, 2021
I spotted “AI Learns to Predict Human Behavior from Videos.” Sounds good, sounds promising, sounds like IBM. The idea is that Watson (open source software, home grown IBM code, and software from acquisitions) can foretell the future. Feed Watson videos, and Watson can figure out what happens next.
The write up states:
In a new study, Columbia Engineering researchers unveil a computer vision technique for giving machines a more intuitive sense for what will happen next by leveraging higher-level associations between people, animals, and objects.
What’s the time horizon? Answer: Several minutes in the future.
What’s the accuracy? Answer: Uh, well.
What’s actually predicted? Answer: A higher level that links concepts.
What’s this means? Answer: Uh, well.
IBM, which like Google declared quantum supremacy-ness, is working overtime to demonstrate that Watson can deliver high value payoffs to those who embrace the IBM approach to smart software.
One of the researchers/students allegedly said, “Prediction is the basis of human intelligence.”
Okay, I will make a prediction: This watching videos angle smacks of marketing hoo hah based on the efforts of students with access to Watsony stuff and an environment which is hungry for evidence of the quantum supremacy-ness.
Confidence level: 99.999999
Stephen E Arnold, July 13, 2021