Facebook: Who Sees Disturbing Content?

November 4, 2021

Time, now an online service owned by Salesforce founders, published “Why Some People See More Disturbing Content on Facebook Than Others, According to Leaked Documents.”

The user categories exposed to more troubling Facebook content are, according to Facebook’s researchers:

vulnerable communities, including Black, elderly and low-income users, are among the groups most harmed by the prevalence of disturbing content on the site. At the time of the 2019 integrity report, Facebook’s researchers were still defining what constituted disturbing.


Stephen E Arnold, November 4, 2021


One Response to “Facebook: Who Sees Disturbing Content?”

  1. tim on November 4th, 2021 1:01 pm

    It says “Facebook employees have estimated the company removes only a sliver of the posts that violate its rules” And yet they always seem to find time to censor political remarks about covid and elections.

    And here they are lamenting because their Ministry of Truth AI isn’t quite good enough to stifle what they want it to. Big Brother is watching…

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