KO for AO Kaspersky?
March 29, 2022
I read “Kaspersky Named First Russian Company on Security Risk List.” Interesting. The write up reports:
The U.S. placed internet-security provider AO Kaspersky Lab on a list of companies deemed a threat to national security, for the first time adding a Russian entity to a list dominated by Chinese telecommunications firms. The Federal Communications Commission on Friday also added China Telecom (Americas) Corp, and China Mobile International USA Inc. to the list.
Now let’s ask another question, “Which venture funding firms accept money from individuals who may have interesting connections?”
Do I see any hands?
That’s my point. Kaspersky is an obvious outfit to probe. What’s the action for the dozens, maybe hundreds, of cyber security firms with non-obvious links to interesting sources of cash. Some bad actors buy yachts. Others villas. A few go for nifty jets. How many are into owning cyber security firms, having access to click PowerPoint decks making the future clear in designer graphics, and hanging out with other technical wizards just sharing casual info?
Who wants to ask, “Where did your money come from?”
Stephen E Arnold, March 29, 2022