Cyber Attacks in Under a Minute
March 25, 2025
Cybercrime has evolved. VentureBeat reports, "51 Seconds to Breach: How CISOs Are Countering AI-Driven, Lightning-Fast Deepfake, Vishing and Social Engineering Attacks." Yes, according to cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike‘s Adam Meyers, the fastest breakout time he has seen is 51 seconds. No wonder bad actors have an advantage—it can take cyber defense weeks to months to determine a system has been compromised. In the interim, hackers can roam undetected.
Cybercrime methods have also changed. Where malware was once the biggest problem, hackers now favor AI-assisted phishing and vishing (voice-based phishing) campaigns. We learn:
"Vishing is out of control due in large part to attackers fine-turning their tradecraft with AI. CrowdStrike’s 2025 Global Threat Report found that vishing exploded by 442% in 2024. It’s the top initial access method attackers use to manipulate victims into revealing sensitive information, resetting credentials and granting remote access over the phone. ‘We saw a 442% increase in voice-based phishing in 2024. This is social engineering, and this is indicative of the fact that adversaries are finding new ways to gain access because…we’re kind of in this new world where adversaries have to work a little bit harder or differently to avoid modern endpoint security tools,’ Meyers said. Phishing, too, continues to be a threat. Meyers said, ‘We’ve seen that with phishing emails, they have a higher click-through rate when it’s AI-generated content, a 54% click-through rate, versus 12% when a human is behind it.’"
The write-up suggests three strategies to fight today’s breaches. Stop attackers at the authentication layer by shortening token lifetimes and implementing real-time revocation. Also, set things up so no one person can bypass security measures. No, not even the owner. Maybe especially not them. Next, we are advised, fight AI with AI: Machine-learning tools now exist to detect intrusions and immediately shut them down. Finally, stop lateral movement from the breach point with security that is unified across the system. See the write-up for more details on each of these.
Cynthia Murrell, March 25, 2025
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