Amazon Fraud Detector: Policeware Service?

December 6, 2019

The camel is poking its nose into another tent. Navigate to “Amazon Fraud Detector.” The service makes it easy to identify potentially fraudulent online activities. The service seems to focus on a commercial use case. There may be a government or public sector application or two enabled as well. Which is more important? Both are equally important.

The commercial push is likely to provide a new revenue stream for Amazon from individuals, mid sized sellers, and quite large commercial operations. Equifax-like outfits? Maybe a JPMorgan-like enterprise?

The government push is part of the company’s policeware initiatives. What’s this policeware you reference? If you are curious, I have a free eight page summary of a forthcoming chapter which will appear in a book about blocking in 2020.

To get on the list for the free white paper, just write darkcyber333 at yandex dot com. Name, company email, and agency required, however.

Stephen E Arnold, December 6, 2019

Why Is MiningLamp Getting Ink?

December 3, 2019

The question “Why is MiningLamp getting ink?” is an interesting one to some people. The firm was founded in 2014. The company was a product of bunsha practiced by Miaozhen Systems, a company engaged in advertising “analysis.” The company is funded by Tencent, China Renaissance, and Sequoia Capital China. The firm may have revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Data about the influence of the Chinese government is not available to the DarkCyber team at this time. MiningLamp may have received as much as $290 million from its backers.


Companies want publicity to get sales leads, attract investors, create buzz to lure new hires, and become known to procurement professionals in government agencies.


We noted talk about MiningLamp at a couple of law enforcement and intelligence conferences. The company provides policeware and intelware to customers in China and elsewhere. You can read about the firm on its Web site at this link. (Be patient. The service seems to provide a high latency experience.) Product pages also seem to be missing in action.

Nevertheless, “Chinese Data Mining Firm MiningLamp, Now a National AI Champion, Began by Helping Police Solve Crimes” does not talk about a dearth of public information. The write up states that “MiningLamp’s business analytics tools are used by more than 200 companies in the Fortune 200.” That’s a lot of big companies embracing investigative software. Judging from the attendees at law enforcement and intelligence conference, these big companies are finding out about a Chinese company somehow.

The news story states that “Like Palantir, this Chinese start up uses AI to help corporate clients convert huge volumes of data into actionable information.” Palantir is a big ticket item. Perhaps price is a factor or Fortune 200 companies want to rely on a business intelligence system operated by a company located outside the span of control of some government authorities.

The company has been named a Chinese champion. The article reveals:

Although not as well known as US equivalent Palantir Technologies, which reportedly contributed to America’s success in hunting down Osama bin Laden, MiningLamp’s data mining software is used to spot crime patterns, track drug dealers and prevent human trafficking.

DarkCyber thinks that any company which has 200 Fortune listed companies as customers is reasonably well known.

We learned:

“Cases are being resolved on our platforms every day” in more than 60 cities and regions in China, said founder and CEO Wu Minghui. “We can run fast analysis on potential drug dealers or major suspects, improving the overall case-solving efficiency several hundred times.”

Read more

Sherlock: An Interesting Open Source Intelligence Contribution

December 2, 2019

Secrets have a way of becoming non-secrets. How is often mysterious. Navigate to “Find Usernames across Social Networks.” Fire up the system and behold what for some was a function worthy of hushed tones in meetings held in drab rooms with plastic furniture.


Plug in a user name. The software chugs through publicly accessible services looking for matches.

Why is this useful? If the value of locating user names is not clear, DarkCyber is not going to flip on your light bulb.

As I write this, I can think of companies in England, Germany, Israel, and Italy which are likely to be doing a bit of critical thinking.

Sherlock could have an impact on those firms’ sales pitches and possibly their revenue. As our fictional hero allegedly said, “You know my methods, Watson.”

Stephen E Arnold, December 2, 2019

NSO Group and Facebook: An Escalation

November 27, 2019

Workers at Israeli Surveillance Firm NSO Sue Facebook for Blocking Private Accounts” adds some zest to the dust up between the digital country of Facebook and a company which develops policeware. Facebook’s WhatsApp accused NSO of fiddling with content of the encrypted messaging service.

Reuters reports:

NSO employees said Facebook had imposed a “collective punishment” by choosing to block their private accounts due to the legal process Facebook is conducting against NSO. They also said their lawsuit came only after they made repeated requests to Facebook that went unanswered. “Blocking our private accounts is a hurtful and unjust move by Facebook,” the statement said. “The idea that personal data was searched for and used is very disturbing to us”.

In this legal battle of a digital nation and a software and services company, whose lawyers will prevail?

Worth monitoring because policeware (software and services for law enforcement) and intelware (software and services for intelligence agencies) is rarely in the news.

Will the story have legs or will the legal eagles nibble at these entities patellas? Maybe crippling one or both?

Stephen E Arnold, November 27, 2019

Facebook Takes on NSO Group

October 30, 2019

Now this is an interesting and possibly inadvisable move. Facebook is big and it has become the one company able to create more negative vibes than an outfit like Boeing (737 Max which allegedly was called “flying coffins”or Johnson & Johnson (the outfit famous for baby powder with a possible secret ingredient).

Why WhatsApp Is Pushing Back on NSO Group Hacking” provides a Facebook professional’s explanation of the decision to go after the NSO Group, a specialized software and services firm with some government clients:

As we gathered the information that we lay out in our complaint, we learned that the attackers used servers and Internet-hosting services that were previously associated with NSO. In addition, as our complaint notes, we have tied certain WhatsApp accounts used during the attacks back to NSO. While their attack was highly sophisticated, their attempts to cover their tracks were not entirely successful.

I particularly relished this statement by the Facebook professional:

At WhatsApp, we believe people have a fundamental right to privacy and that no one else should have access to your private conversations, not even us. Mobile phones provide us with great utility, but turned against us they can reveal our locations and our private messages, and record sensitive conversations we have with others.

Yeah, yeah, the DarkCyber team hears your voice. Is that voice one that resonates with truth, honor, and “ethical behavior” cranked up on the baloney amplifier?

Several observations:

  • It is generally a good idea to understand one’s opponent before getting into a bit of a tussle. Some opponents have special capabilities which are not often understood in the go go, move fast and break things world of Facebook
  • Facebook lacks what DarkCyber thinks of as “credibility stature.” In fact, the shadow the firm casts is a long one, but the path the company has followed in its crepuscular journey of those who may be afraid of the light. (Apologies to Plato)
  • NSO Group states: “NSO products are used exclusively by government intelligence and law enforcement agencies to fight crime and terror.”

Based on information I glean from my lectures at law enforcement and intelligence conferences, WhatsApp is an encrypted messaging service popular among some bad actors.

Oh, one final question, “Where did some of NSO’s team garner their operational experience?”

Give up. Gentle reader, knowing the answer is probably important. Does Facebook know the answer? Another good question.

Stephen E Arnold, October 30, 2019

Blockchains: A Role in Human Trafficking Investigations?

October 25, 2019

Human trafficking is one of the greatest evils in history as well as modern day. The Internet facilitates easy communication human traffickers, but they do not conduct their business in plain sight. They use the dark web to cover their sadistic business tracks. The Next Web explains that human traffickers might be easier to find than before in, “How A Blockchain-Based Digital ID System Could Help Tackle Human Trafficking.”

It is estimated that 20-40 million people are human trafficked, bringing in profits of $150 billion a year. Those are outrageous numbers! Emerging technologies such as data sharing and blockchain are becoming the favorable way to traffic people, but these technologies could also save the victims.

Digital IDs would be the key to blockchain technology. Human trafficking victims are denied resources that could help them escape, such as phones, computers, and other mobile technology. The victims are also stripped of any physical identification like passports or driver’s licenses. What if victims had a digital ID, made unique due to a fingerprint or eye scan, that cannot be stolen and would be easy to track?

“Once this is saved on a blockchain, the information is immutable and as such can not be forged, meaning traffickers wouldn’t be able to tamper it or change a victim’s identity. A strategy often used by traffickers to get their victims across border controls.

Importantly, blockchain technology is also decentralized, meaning that the embedded data is far more secure than it would be on a centralized server.

As a borderless technology, blockchain ID documentation and tracking can take place anywhere — so long as the parties involved are able to cooperate and collaborate while pledging to input the correct data.”

In other words, it is still the work of science fiction, but the possibility to make it a reality is not that far off.

Whitney Grace, October 25, 2019

Australian Police Crowdsource Missing Person Investigations

October 14, 2019

DarkCyber noted the report “Police Turn to Hackers in Australia’s First Crowdsourced Attempt to Find Missing People.” The idea is interesting and illustrates the lateral thinking law enforcement is increasingly directing at certain investigative challenges.

The write up states:

More than 350 internet sleuths and “ethical hackers” — hobbyists and professionals — gathered at 10 locations around the country on Friday in a national missing-persons “hackathon”. The aim was to generate leads for 12 of Australia’s most frustrating cold cases, using sophisticated but legal methods of trawling the Internet.

There have been OSINT efforts to address criminal issues. Open source information is an important component of the approach.

WorldStack, according to the article, “has built a search index of content on the ‘dark web’ — a network of hidden, encrypted websites, sometimes used to organize illegal activity, and hoped to use image-matching software to help find some of the 12 missing people.”

Australian engineers have developed or contributed a number of useful tools. Examples include Sintelix, TeraText, ISYS Search Software, Funnelback, and LMNTrix, among others.

Stephen E Arnold, October 14, 2019

Cloudera Bids to Be the Next Gen Anti Financial Crime Platform

October 10, 2019

DarkCyber read “Moving Towards the Next Gen Financial Crimes Platform.” The essay, which is two parts information and three parts marketing collateral, presents a diagram of the Cloudera anti financial crime platform. The phrase “financial crime platform” could be interpreted as the airfield for dispatching a range of malware attacks, a position in which some cloud vendors find themselves either wittingly or unwittingly. In this DarkCyber article, I will refer to the Cloudera vision as an anti financial crimes platform, hopefully to make clear that the cloud vendor is not a bad actor.

In DarkCyber’s view, there are three main points about Cloudera’s enterprise focused solution. Silos of information are a problem, and Cloudera will sweep across organizational data silos, at least that’s the idea. Here are points DarkCyber noted:

  1. The focus is on the enterprise, not on a wider scope; for example, a bank, not a number of FBI field offices, each of which operates more or less autonomously
  2. Smart software (artificial intelligence, machine learning, et al) are used at the edge to provide necessary signals about activity warranting further analysis by more numerical recipes
  3. The solution can accommodate innovations either from Cloudera or from partners.

Cloudera includes a diagram of what the solution’s broad outlines are. Here’s the illustration from the Cloudera article:


Working from right to left, data are ingested by Cloudera. The content goes into an enterprise data store. A suite of financial crime “applications” operate on the data in the Enterprise Data Store and its modules. At the right hand of the diagram analytical tools (maybe like Tibco SpotFire?), business intelligence systems, and Cloudera’s Data Science Workbench allow authorized users to interact with the system.

Cloudera’s article includes this statement:

With CDP as the foundation, intelligence gaps are mitigated by a holistic enterprise view of all customer and financial crime-related data (holistic KYC), systems, models and processes.  You will also be able to tighten the loop between detecting and responding to new fraud patterns. CDP also supports open-source advances to ensure that your teams are able to experiment with and adopt the latest technologies and methods, which helps to mitigate technology and vendor lock-in.  The diagram below illustrates the Cloudera Data Platform and its various components for enterprise management. [Emphasis in the original source]

Several observations are warranted:

  1. Vendor lock is an organic consequence of putting one’s egg in one cloud-centric basket. Although it is possible to envision a system which accepts enhancements, the write and the diagram do not include a provision for this type of extension. DarkCyber posits that restrictions will apply.
  2. The diagram has “financial crime applications” without providing much “color” or detail about these policeware components. One key question is, “Will these policeware applications run “on Cloudera” or on some other system; for example, IBM cloud which delivers Analyst Notebook functions?”
  3. The write up does not provide information about restrictions on data; for example, streaming data from telephone intercept systems.
  4. Information about functional components, application programming interfaces, and programmatic methods for the platform are not provided. DarkCyber understands the need for economy in writing, but a table or a list of suggested links would be helpful.

Why is Cloudera making this play?

DarkCyber hypothesizes that Cloudera realizes Amazon’s “as is” capabilities pose a substantial threat. Cloudera wants to stake out some territory before the Bezos bulldozer rolls through the policeware market.

Stephen E Arnold, October 9, 2019

Amazon Policeware: Getting Visible in Spite of Amazon

October 9, 2019

An enterprising reporter included some information from my Amazon research. You can find these open source factoids in “Meet America’s Newest Military Giant: Amazon.” Like good recipients of Jeffrey Epstein love, the publication will enjoin you to pay to read the recycled version of my research. Hey, that’s capitalism in action.

The write up does veer from “military giant” into policeware, a term I coined to make clear that there are platforms, applications, and tools purpose-built to support law enforcement, analysts, and investigators.


© Stephen E Arnold, 2016

You may want to read the article and take a look at the information I have published in this blog and on YouTube and Vimeo. The search systems struggle to highlight this content, but that’s the way life is in the world of ad-supported search. (Tip: To locate the information, use the search box on this Web site or you can explore these short videos at these links:

October 30, 2018

November 6, 2018

November 13, 2018

November 20, 2018

Another peek at Amazon’s activities is provided in a side mirror attached to a speeding Chevrolet Volt. “Ring’s Police Partnerships Must End, Say More Than 30 Civil Rights Groups” is an “open letter.” That document, according to CNet, “urges local lawmakers to cancel all existing police deals with Amazon’s video doorbell company.”

Good luck with that.

The CNet write up adds:

Ring has more than 500 police partnerships across the US, and a coalition of civil rights groups are calling for local governments to cancel them all. On Tuesday, tech-focused nonprofit Fight For the Future published an open letter to elected officials raising concerns about Ring’s police partnerships and its impacts on privacy and surveillance.  The letter is signed by more than 30 civil rights groups, including the Center for Human Rights and Privacy, Color of Change and the Constitutional Alliance. Along with asking mayors and city councils to cancel existing Ring partnerships, the letter also asks for surveillance oversight ordinances to prevent police departments from making these deals in the future, and also requested members of Congress to investigate Ring’s practices.

Read more

Smart Dubai: An Amazon AWS Connection

October 2, 2019

Amazon AWS provides the plumbing for the Amazon owned Amazon has a “region” and “edge location” in the United Arab Emirates. Amazon is supporting an educational push to infuse those with an interest in computer science in the ways and lingo of AWS. There was an Amazon summit in the UAE as well.

I thought about these Amazon actions when I read “Smart Dubai to Have a Marketplace for Sharing and Exchanging Data by 2021.” I learned:

Smart Dubai is building a data marketplace in a bid to monetise data through centralised and decentralised platforms, a top official said.

This initiative may be a glimpse of the smart data system disclosed in US 9947043. The Dubai activity may be the testing ground for a service which may be rolled out in the US as Amazon edges toward broader investigative services for the US government’s enforcement agencies, the IRS, and the SEC, among others.

Worth monitoring or you can express your interest in DarkCyber’s AWS policeware webinar by writing benkent2020 at yahoo dot com.

Stephen E Arnold, October 2, 2019

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