RAVN ACE Can Help Financial Institutions with Regulatory Compliance

March 31, 2016

Increased regulations in the financial field call for tools that can gather certain information faster and more thoroughly. Bobsguide points to a solution in, “RAVN Systems Releases RAVN ACE for Automated Data Extraction of ISDA Documents Using Artificial Intelligence.” For those who are unaware, ISDA stands for International Swaps and Derivatives Association, and a CSA is a Credit Support Annex. The press release informs us:

“RAVN’s ground-breaking technology, RAVN ACE, joins elements of Artificial Intelligence and information processing to deliver a platform that can read, interpret, extract and summarise content held within ISDA CSAs and other legal documents. It converts unstructured data into structured output, in a fraction of the time it takes a human – and with a higher degree of accuracy. RAVN ACE can extract the structure of the agreement, the clauses and sub-clauses, which can be very useful for subsequent re-negotiation purposes. It then further extracts the key definitions from the contract, including collateral data from tabular formats within the credit support annexes. All this data is made available for input to contract or collateral management and margining systems or can simply be provided as an Excel or XML output for analysis. AVN ACE also provides an in-context review and preview of the extracted terms to allow reviewing teams to further validate the data in the context of the original agreement.”

The write-up tells us the platform can identify high-credit-risk relationships and detail the work required to repaper those accounts (that is, to re-draft, re-sign, and re-process paperwork). It also notes that even organizations that have a handle on their contracts can benefit, because the platform can compare terms in actual documents with those in that have been manually abstracted.

Based in London, enterprise search firm RAVN tailors its solutions to the needs of each industry it serves. The company was founded in 2011.


Cynthia Murrell, March 31, 2016

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Google and Reverse Engineering

March 28, 2016

I don’t want to make a big deal out of the information presented in “Google’s Reverse Engineering Software BinDiff Now Free for Researchers.” The write up reports that Zynamics’ code is now free. The write up explained:

What’s the code’s application? The write up reports:

BinDiff is a comparison tool for scrutinizing disassembled binary files and finding both similarities and differences in code through reverse engineering. The software can be used to identify and isolate flaws and bugs in software, namely, “fixes for vulnerabilities in vendor-supplied patches and to analyze multiple versions of the same binary,” according to Blichmann. Binary files for x86, MIPS, ARM/AArch64, PowerPC, and other architectures can be analyzed with the software.

Are there other uses for this software? The write up identifies a number of benign uses; for example port function names.

The article concludes:

Interested parties can download the software directly from Zynamics.

Stephen E Arnold, March 28, 2016

No Search Just Browse Images on FindA.Photo

March 2, 2016

The search engine FindA.Photo proves itself to be a useful resource for browsing images based on any number of markers. The site offers a general search by terms, or the option of browsing images by color, collection (for example, “wild animals,” or “reflections”) or source.  The developer of the site, David Barker, described his goals for the services on Product Hunt,

“I wanted to make a search for all of the CC0 image sites that are available. I know there are already a few search sites out there, but I specifically wanted to create one that was: simple and fast (and I’m working on making it faster), powerful (you can add options to your search for things like predominant colors and image size with just text), and something that could have contributions from anyone (via GitHub pull requests).”

My first click on a swatch of royal blue delivered 651 images of oceans, skies, panoramas of oceans and skies, jellyfish ballooning underwater, seagulls soaring etc. That may be my own fault for choosing such a clichéd color, but you get the idea. I had better (more various) results through the collections search, which includes “action,” “long-exposure,” “technology,” “light rays,” and “landmarks,” the last of which I immediately clicked for a collage of photos of the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Big Ben, and the Great Wall of China.


Chelsea Kerwin, March 2, 2016

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Wrangle That Data: Trifacta Receives $35 Million

February 14, 2016

When I read “Data Cleaning Software Company Trifacta Raises $35 Million,” I realized that the notion of automating the clean up of disparate data was an unsolved problem. Odd. I have been operating on the assumption that tools from Lexmark Kapow and Palantir had tamed that stallion years ago. Wrong.

According to the write up:

New investor Cathay Innovation and existing investors Accel Partners, Greylock Partners, and Ignition Partners participated in the new round. To date, the company has raised more than $76 million, including the $25 million round announced May 2014.

That’s a reasonable chunk of change for a function many search and content processing vendors suggest is a no brainer. Trifacta has a pocketful of cash to provide some evidence that the belief that cleaning up data remains a big, big problem.

Will Trifacta surge to the top of the data clean up pile. If one takes a peek at the azure chip consulting firm reports on this housekeeping sector, there are quite a few vendors chasing customers in this sector.

Now returning to the question about incumbents like Kapow and Palantir. Where are these companies? I can understand why Kapow has slipped from some folks’ radar, but the Palantir operation is active in the commercial sector and seems to have helpers, wizards, and smart software which allows a person with little or no training to import, process, and extract insights from disparate data.

Do those funding Trifacta perceive Kapow and Palantir as companies unable or unwilling to tackle the problems Trifacta addresses? Good question.

Stephen E Arnold, February 14, 2016


Topology Is Finally on Top

December 21, 2015

Topology’s  time has finally come, according to “The Unreasonable Usefulness of Imagining You Live in a Rubbery World,” shared by 3 Quarks Daily. The engaging article reminds us that the field of topology  emphasizes connections over geometric factors like distance and direction. Think of a subway map as compared to a street map; or, as writer Jonathan Kujawa describes:

“Topologists ask a question which at first sounds ridiculous: ‘What can you say about the shape of an object if you have no concern for lengths, angles, areas, or volumes?’ They imagine a world where everything is made of silly putty. You can bend, stretch, and distort objects as much as you like. What is forbidden is cutting and gluing. Otherwise pretty much anything goes.”

Since the beginning, this perspective has been dismissed by many as purely academic. However, today’s era of networks and big data has boosted the field’s usefulness. The article observes:

“A remarkable new application of topology has emerged in the last few years. Gunnar Carlsson is a mathematician at Stanford who uses topology to extract meaningful information from large data sets. He and others invented a new field of mathematics called Topological data analysis. They use the tools of topology to wrangle huge data sets. In addition to the networks mentioned above, Big Data has given us Brobdinagian sized data sets in which, for example, we would like to be able to identify clusters. We might be able to visually identify clusters if the data points depend on only one or two variables so that they can be drawn in two or three dimensions.”

Kujawa goes on to note that one century-old tool of topology, homology, is being used to analyze real-world data, like the ways diabetes patients have responded to a specific medication. See the well-illustrated article for further discussion.

Cynthia Murrell, December 21, 2015

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Cybercrime to Come

December 2, 2015

Apparently, we haven’t seen anything yet. An article at Phys.org, “Kaspersky Boss Warns of Emerging Cybercrime Threats,” explain that personal devices and retail databases are just the beginning for cyber criminals. Their next focus has the potential to create more widespread chaos, according to comments from security expert Eugene Kaspersky. We learn:

“Russian online security specialist Eugene Kaspersky says cyber criminals will one day go for bigger targets than PCs and mobiles, sabotaging entire transport networks, electrical grids or financial systems. The online threat is growing fast with one in 20 computers running on Microsoft Windows already compromised, the founder and chief executive of security software company Kaspersky Lab told AFP this week on the sidelines of a cybersecurity conference in Monaco.”

The article also notes that hackers are constantly working to break every security advance, and that staying safe means more than installing the latest security software. Kaspersky noted:

“It’s like everyday life. If you just stay at home and if you don’t have visitors, you are quite safe. But if you like to walk around to any district of your city, you have to be aware of their street crimes. Same for the Internet.”

Kaspersky’s company, Kaspersky Lab, prides itself on its extensive knowledge of online security. Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Moscow, the company is one of the leading security firms in the world.

Cynthia Murrell, December 2, 2015

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Interview with Informatica CEO

November 26, 2015

Blogger and Datameer CEO Stefan Groschupf interviews Anil Chakravarthy, acting CEO of Informatica, in a series of posts on his blog, Big Data & Brews. The two executives discuss security in the cloud, data infrastructure, schemas, and the future of data. There are four installments as of this writing, but it was an exchange in the second iteration, “Big Data  Brews: Part II on Data Security with Informatica,” that  captured our attention. Here’s Chakravarthy’s summary of the challenge now facing his company:

Stefan: From your perspective, where’s the biggest growth opportunity for your company?

Anil: We look at it as the intersection of what’s happening with the cloud and big data. Not only the movement of data between our premise and cloud and within cloud to cloud but also just the sheer growth of data in the cloud. This is a big opportunity. And if you look at the big data world, I think a lot of what happens in the big data world from our perspective, the value, especially for enterprise customers, the value of big data comes from when they can derive insights by combining data that they have from their own systems, etc., with either third-party data, customer-generated data, machine data that they can put together. So, that intersection is good for, and we are a data infrastructure provider, so those are the two big areas where we see opportunity.

It looks like Informatica is poised to make the most of the changes prompted by cloud technology. To check out the interview from the beginning, navigate to the first installment, “Big Data & Brews: Informatica Talks Security.”

Informatica offers a range of data-management and integration tools. Though the company has offices around the world, they maintain their headquarters in Redwood City, California. They are also hiring as of this writing.

Cynthia Murrell, November 26, 2015

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Entity Extraction: Human Intermediation Still Necessary

November 23, 2015

I read “Facebook Should Be Able to Handle names like Isis and Phuc Dat Bich.” The article underscores the challenges smart software faces in a world believing that algorithms deliver the bacon.

Entity extraction methods requiring human subject matter experts and dictionary editors are expensive and slow. Algorithms are faster and over time more economical. Unfortunately the automated systems miss some things and get other stuff wrong.

The article explains that Facebook thinks a real person name Isis Anchalee is a bad guy. Another person with the transliterated Vietnamese name Phuc Dat Bich is a prohibited phrase.

What’s the fix?

First, the folks assuming that automated systems are pretty much accurate need to connect with the notion of an “exception file” or a log containing names which are not in a dictionary. What if there is no dictionary? Well, that is a problem. What about names with different spellings and in different character sets? Well, that too is a problem.

Will the vendors of automated systems point out the need for subject matter experts to create dictionaries, perform quality and accuracy audits, and update the dictionaries? Well, sort of.

The point is that like many numerical recipes the expectation that a system is working with a high degree of accuracy is often incorrect. Strike that, substitute “sort of accurate.”

The write up states:

If that’s how the company want the platform to function, Facebook is going to have to get a lot better at making sure their algorithms don’t unfairly penalize people whose names don’t fit in with the Anglo-standard.

When it comes time to get the automated system back into sync with accurate entity extraction, there may be a big price tag.

What your vendor did not make that clear?

Explain your “surprise” to the chief financial officer who wants to understand how you overlooked costs which may be greater than the initial cost of the system.

Stephen E Arnold, November 23, 2015

Search Experts Looking for Work? Rejoice

November 23, 2015

The article titled 17 Tools to Make LinkedIn Work for You on TNW provides some thoughtful commentary on how to make the best use of the social media platform LinkedIn. The article begins by emphasizing how important and relevant LinkedIn still is, particularly for people in Sales, who use the service to gather information and research prospects. It goes on to highlight the difficulty facing salespeople when it comes to searching LinkedIn, and the myriad of tools and Chrome extensions available to simplify search. The first on the list is Crystal,

“Language matters. How you communicate with someone, the words you use, how you structure your requests etc. affects their initial perception of you. And that’s what Crystal helps with. The standalone app as well as its Chrome extension allows you to profile Linkedin users profiles to detect their personality. And suggest the best ways to communicate with them. Crystal can tell you what to write in an email or how to create a message that engages them in a way they’d expect from you.”

Other resources include SalesLoft Prospector, which aids in building lists of targeted leads with contact information in tow, Elink.Club for LinkedIn, which visits 800 targeted profiles a day with the expectation that just under 10% of those users will, in turn, return the visit and become acquainted, and Discover.ly, which helps users establish mutual friends and social media commonalities with the profiles they view.

Chelsea Kerwin, November 23, 2015

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Google Hacks to Make You Grin

October 30, 2015

Google is run by a bunch of geeks that entertain themselves using the high tech toys at their fingertips.  Beyond the insertion of Douglas Adams references in search results, there are other Google hacks that the tech geeks developed to make themselves and you smile.  Digital Spy tracked down “Eleven Google Secrets That Will Change The Way You Search, From Playing Pac-Man To Lego Street View.”

“Day after day you hammer out search after search, overlooking not only the hidden gems lurking beneath the surface, but the very thing that makes Google such an anomaly amongst the world’s biggest companies – its sense of humor. Here are a few thinks you might not have known you can do in Google.”

Google can do numerous things just by typing a few simple commands into the search bar.  Try typing: “askew” or “tilt,” “do a barrel roll,” and “Zerg rush.”  Google is also a time machine and can take you back to the 1998 Google interface or you can spend hours playing Pac-Man on an uploaded Google Doodle from May 2010.  The yellow stick figure on Google Street View also likes to play dress-up when he visits certain places.

But our absolute favorite is the six degrees of Kevin Bacon calculator.  Based off an old Internet meme that everyone in Hollywood has worked with Kevin Bacon in less than six degrees, type in a famous person and “bacon number” to find out how close their careers are.

Little hacks and fun games like this show the human side to the Google empire.  What will they think of next?  However, it would be nice if Google added some practical functions, such as a time and date feature.

Whitney Grace, October 30, 2015

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

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