Google Version 2.0 Patents Available without Charge
January 24, 2008
Google Version 2.0 (Infonortics, Ltd., Tetbury, Glou., 2007) references more than 60 Google patent applications and patents. I’ve received a number of requests for this collection of US documents. I’m delighted to make them available to anyone at The patent applications and patents in this collection represent the Google inventions that provide significant insight into the company’s remarkable technology. You can learn about a game designer’s next-generation ad system. You can marvel at the productivity of former Digital Equipment’s engineers solution to bottlenecks in traditional parallel processing systems. Some of these inventions require considerable effort to digest; for example, Ramanathan Guha’s inventions regarding the Semantic Web. Others are a blend of youthful brilliance and Google’s computational infrastructure; specifically, the transportation routing system Google uses to move employees around the San Francisco area. Enjoy.
Stephen E. Arnold, January 24, 2008