Tag Clouds for the Enterprise

June 18, 2008

One of the Web 2.0 functions that cause Enterprise 2.0 champions’ adrenaline to surge is tag clouds. Digital Inspiration has an excellent essay about these here. The examples are worth the visit. The most useful information in the Web log post is the link to Wordle. You will discover that Wordle is not designed for industrial-strength tag cloud generation. You may find these tools more useful:

Tag clouds and other text processing visualizations are available in a number of commercial text processing systems, including Attensity‘s and Megaputer‘s products.

Stephen Arnold, June 18, 2008


One Response to “Tag Clouds for the Enterprise”

  1. links for 2008-06-18 « Dmartel’s Weblog on June 18th, 2008 10:34 am

    […] Tag Clouds for the Enterprise : Beyond Search (tags: 2.0 tagcloud) […]

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