Google: Snuggling with OCLC

June 25, 2008

Digital Document Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 2, 2008 provided this item:

OCLC and Google have agreed to exchange book discovery data. Google will link from Google Book Search to WorldCat, which will drive traffic to online library services. Google will also share digitized book data. WorldCat will represent OCLC member library collections and link books scanned by Google. A user who finds a book in Google Book Search will be able to use WorldCat to find local library copies.

You can read the DDQ at I recommend the publication if you have an interest in the library side of online information and digital documents.

My view of this is that slowly, ever so slowly, Google is encroaching on the traditional database world. I am confident the management gurus at ProQuest, Ebsco Electronic Publishing, Newsbank, and the other firms servicing this important but shrinking market has a GPS device on Googzilla.

A happy quack to H.M. Gladney from the Beyond Search goose.

Stephen Arnold, June 25, 2008


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