Funnelback Sucks in a Big Fish

July 3, 2008

I have tracked Funnelback in its various incarnations for years. On July 3, 2008, Dr. David Hawking became the chief scientist of this search system. I profiled the company in Enterprise Search Report, and I think the youngster who took over that job for the 4th edition kept the basics of my analysis. Funnelback  is a good system, and it has a number of prestigious clients in Australia, the UK, and Canada.

Dr. Hawking is a recognized leader in information retrieval and search. You can read the complete news release here. Hurry, the PRWeb information gets moved around and deleted quickly. You can get basic information from the Funnelback Web site here.

Keep in mind that Funnelback is not a newcomer to search and content processing. The firm’s system has its roots in years of research at the Australian National University (the MIT of Australia) and its research arm. If you are not familiar with Funnelback, you can see the system in action on the Australian government’s portal at or just click here.

Australia and New Zealand have a thriving search and content processing industry. Funnelback competes with ISYS Search Software, a system that I have found quite useful in my research work. You may also want to familiarize yourself with YourAmigo, a company that has some text processing functions bundled with its site optimization services. Also, check out (in person if possible) S.L.I. Systems in Christchurch, New Zealand.

There’s a perception that search is the domain of Silicon Valley. Wrong. Dr. Hawking, prior to this announcement, agreed to a question-and-answer session with the Beyond Search silly goose. I will post the full text of this conversation in a forthcoming Web log posting.

Stephen Arnold, July 3, 2008


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