Searching Microsoft with a Google Shortcut

July 4, 2008

A happy quack to Mitch Tullock at IT World for a useful script for Windows users. Mr. Tullock offers a script that directs Google to search the Microsoft content collection. If you are not familiar with this index, navigate to Then click on “Advanced Search”. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Microsoft”. Google will now use a special Microsoft index for your query. If you look for information about Microsoft, you will want Mr. Tullock’s script. Oh, why do Mr. Tullock and I use to search for Microsoft information? The Microsoft search feature does not do as good a job with the content as Google. Don’t believe me? Try locating information using and look for information about Microsoft data center scaling. Now try the same query on Google. See for yourself. You can find the script here.

Stephen Arnold, July 4, 29008


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