Puzzling Business Intelligence Research Result

July 14, 2008

Joe O’Halloran’s essay “UK businesses Shunning Real-Time Data Analysis” reports that Progress Software, owners of the EasyAsk search system, issued findings from commissioned research. Progress revealed that, based on its research, 70 percent of UK businesses have no intention of analyzing data in real time. Most companies, according to Progress, are quite content to analyze historical data. You can read about Progress Software real time services here. I did a quick look through the Progress Web site and could not find the referenced study. What puzzled me was that the narrow interest in real time processing does not mesh smoothly with Apama, Progress’ real time solution. I also wondered if the finding suggests that EasyAsk’s index updating need not be particularly speedy. My research suggests that access to current data is important. Systems that deliver “old” or “stale” results contribute to the dissatisfaction users express toward information retrieval systems. Check out computer Weekly’s essay and Progress Software’s information about its products. Then read about Progress Software’s real time products. I think the research suggests that real time is not a hot button for most businesses. Also, could business intelligence not be the donkey to carry some information-centric products out of the financial desert?

Stephen Arnold, July 14, 2008


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