Adea Introduces Connector for GSA for SAP

July 21, 2008

Did the acronyms baffle you? GSA is the Google Search Appliance. SAP is the ubiquitous vendor of expensive enterprise software. Adea, a consulting firm, has created an adaptor to “hook” the GSA into an SAP environment. The idea is that instead of the expensive SAP search solutions (TREX and Endeca, for instance), you can buy Google boxes.

The product is Ocelli. The software makes it possible to search SAP data in a simpler way than SAP provides in its default environment. Among the Ocelli functions is support for role-based searches and results display.

For more information about Adea, click here. The Ocelli product information page is here. I don’t have current pricing information at this time.

As Google’s enterprise team gets pulled into more opportunities, companies such as Adea will find it worth their while to create custom software. Google itself seems willing at this time to let its partners carry the ball for integration and customer support in some accounts.

Microsoft started its partner program in a benign way as well.

Stephen Arnold, July 21, 2008


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