Google Israel: Beavering Away

July 24, 2008

Google Israel remains my pick for the smartest Google operation outside of Mountain View. My opinion may rile the whiz kids working near Seattle and annoy the heck out of the wizards in Beijing, but I’m entitled to my view.

Noa Parag’s “Google as a Start Up?” is an important essay, and I suggest you click this link to Globes Online and read his English language article here. It’s one part interview with Googler Meir Brand who is pretty good at math and one part business analysis. Don’t delay. Globes Online doesn’t claim to be an online archive, but it does claim bragging rights to its coverage of Israel’s business affairs.

So, what did I learn?

  1. Google Israel is operated like a start up. The company has 100 employees in two R&D centers, one in Haifa and one in Tel Aviv.
  2. Google Israel developed Google Trends and the overlay technology that puts text content on video clips available on
  3. Mobile advertising is a significant opportunity.

Noa Parag’s write up underscores to points about Google. First, the company delegates and relies on email, Google’s internal online system to keep Google Israel “down the hall”. Google, despite its size, is allowing Google Israel to run with the start up ball.

Stephen Arnold, July 24, 2008


2 Responses to “Google Israel: Beavering Away”

  1. peace chadhary on August 2nd, 2008 2:44 am

    dear sir/madam
    i would like to information that , pls. how can i ‘ll get the visa from the israel for nepali people for any cattegories .coz, i have manpower supply here in nepal
    thanx. re ply me

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on August 2nd, 2008 8:27 am

    Hi, Peace Chadhary,

    I think you are writing to the wrong Web log. I will leave your comment in the queue. I need all the readers I can get. May I suggest a Google search?

    Stephen Arnold, August 2, 2008

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