Beyond Search’s Search Function Back On Track

August 10, 2008

I have had many positive comments about the search function for my Web log “Beyond Search”. Last week, we had reports of current postings not appearing in the index. Our hosting company had in place a method to block certain clickstreams when certain conditions were detected by the hosting company’s automated systems. The increasing demand for access to the site and the additional content indexed by the Blossom search system caused a slow down in “Beyond Search.” The hosting company,, and my engineering team have resolved the problem. Thank for your patience.’s Web log indexing system continues to delight me. If you are looking for a search system for a Web site or a Web log, please navigate to and check the company. Feel free to mention that Beyond Search is happy. I’m sufficiently happy to award the team three happy quacks. We’re back to normal, but my normal may be different from your normal. Anyway you can search for posts about SearchCloud, Sprylogics, and of course my favorite SharePoint. Enjoy.

Stephen Arnold, August 10, 2008


One Response to “Beyond Search’s Search Function Back On Track”

  1. Beyond Search’s Search Function Back On Track | Easycoded on August 10th, 2008 10:13 am

    […] August 10, 2008 ScottGu […]

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