Winnipeg Whining: Microsoft Failures

September 2, 2008

The one-two punch of my mother’s death and a grueling trip to Utah left me listless and more incoherent than usual. I was catching up on items snagged by my newsreader, my crawler, and my contacts who forward me ideas and links. I came across a quite interesting post by “D’Arcy from Winnipeg”. The title of the article was “Apparently .NET Is a Failure”. She identified a story that cataloged Microsoft failures. I missed the story even though I once worked for Ziff Communications, the company that owned the magazine in its salad days. I stopped listening to the PC Magazine podcast in favor of less hip, less annoying discussions of technology. I guess I’m getting old, but the present editorial team lacks the siss, boom, bah of the group that fueled the magazine in the 1980s. You can read the original list of alleged flops here.

D’Arcy does a very good job of summarizing the Dot Net section, and she opined:

The inclusion of .NET in this list is BS, and IMO its an example of irresponsible journalism. Spouting your opinion about something is one thing…having no data, examples, or …anything!…to back up your statements is nothing but spouting off… What’s worse is that PCMag is recognized, at some level, as a quality, reliable publication. When an executive editor, which Jeremy Kaplan apparently is, puts his name to something like this it brings down the authenticity, objectivity, and reliability of information published in print and online of PCMagazine. Since Jeremy and Sascha both come from more hardware and peripheral type backgrounds, maybe they should stick to making comments about those things that they are experienced and knowledgeable about and leave any opinions on development products to those qualified to make them.

D’Arcy is definitely someone who speaks clearly and without the wool-wrapped fuzzy rhetoric that obfuscates instead of clarifies. I’m on the fence about some Microsoft technologies, but I agree with D’Arcy on this post. Those Winnipeg winters season people to be tough. Write on, D’Arcy.

Stephen Arnold, September 2, 2008


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