Microsoft Squeezes Google’s Privacy Policies

September 3, 2008

ZDNet (Australia) reported on August 29, 2008, about Microsoft’s perception of Google and its approach privacy. I saw the post in the ZDNet UK Web log. (I have to tell you that the failure to have a common index to the ZDNet content is less than helpful. If  Bill Ziff were still running the outfit, I believe this oversight would have been addressed and quickly. Ah, youth and the lack of corporate memory. The folks don’t know why I am risking a heart attack over this sort of carelessness.) Liam Tung wrote “Microsoft Exec: Google Years behind Us on Privacy”. You can read the full UK article here. I haven’t been able to locate the Australian original thanks to ZDNet’s fine search system.

For me, the key point in the article was:

Google had not invested enough to build privacy into its products, citing Street View as a prime example.

What I find interesting is that Google does not break out its investments. The company prefers, like Amazon, to offer a big fuzzy ball of numbers. As a result, I don’t think I or anyone outside of Google’s finance unit knows what Google spends on privacy. The notion that a company trying to make headway in online advertising, personalization, and social functions is going to pay much attention to privacy tickles my funny bone. Yahoo’s disappointing ad performance might be attributable to the company’s alleged inability to deliver rolled up demographics so advertisers can pinpoint where to advertise to reach which specific demographic sector. If Microsoft wants to make real money from its $400 million purchase of, the company may have to revisit its own privacy policies.

Google’s picture taking is a privacy flash point. However, based on my research, there are other functions at Google that may warrant further research. Microsoft may be forced to follow in Google’s very big paw prints in its quest for money and catching up to Googzilla.

Stephen Arnold, September 3, 2008


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