Google and Robots aka Computational Intelligence

September 5, 2008

Ed Cone, CIO Insight, posted a short article that had big implications. You can read his “The Cloud, the Haptic Web and Robotic Telepresence” here. Mr. Cone wrangled an interview with Vint Cerf, a Googler, in fact a super Googler. For me, the most important comment in this interview was:

I expect to see much more interesting interactions, including the possibility of haptic interactions – touch. Not just touch screens, but the ability to remotely interact with things. Little robots, for example, that are instantiations of you, and are remotely operated, giving you what is called telepresence. It’s a step well beyond the kind of video telepresence we are accustomed to seeing today.

I find the idea quite suggestive. In my analyses of Google patent documents, I noticed a number of references to agents, intelligent processes, and predictive methods. Is Mr. Cerf offering us his personal view, or is he hinting at Google’s increasing activity in computational intelligence and smart systems. Let me know your thoughts, humans.

Stephen Arnold, September 5, 2008


One Response to “Google and Robots aka Computational Intelligence”

  1. Daphne Mason on September 27th, 2008 4:43 pm

    that is extraordinary material

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