Microsoft MOSS Performance

October 7, 2008

A happy quack to the Blah Blah Blog and Ryan Rogers for his MOSS performance round up. The  article is “A Look at MOSSS 2007 Performance Part I – Performance Pointers”. I’m not sure if this is a Microsoft-sponsored Web log or an MSDN-centric Web log that Microsoft “likes”. Nevertheless, Mr. Rogers provides a very useful table of the performance counters available for the MOSS base operating system. He provides in the table the counter name, the threshold setting, a recommendation, and a brief description of the counter. I was not able to locate Part II of the series, nor could I determine if the original pos was written by a person named joekr. Better snag this useful document while it is available. Compiling the data in the table was not trivial, and if you want to get MOSS running like Carlos Montoya’s NASCAR ride, you need these data. (I know his care is not the fastest on the track, but he’s in the race. That’s where MOSS is in the enterprise information series in my opinion.)

Stephen Arnold, October 7, 2008


One Response to “Microsoft MOSS Performance”

  1. marc arenstein on October 7th, 2008 2:41 pm

    Interested readers can find the link to MOSSS 2007 Performance Part I here:
    or as Digbig shortened url

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