Aberdeen on Search: Data That Surprises

October 11, 2008

Aberdeen Group published a research brief this week (October 6, 2008). You can read a brief description of the report here. I was clicking on the page, and I was able to download the six page document from this page. I scanned the document, and for me the most interesting comment in the report was:

Not surprisingly, Google appears to be the most dominant vendor amongst our survey respondents with 29 percent of respondents indicating they use Google for enterprise search…

I found this sentence’s use of the phrase “not surprisingly” quite remarkable. I am not sure that Google perceives itself as the leader in enterprise search. That distinction goes to SharePoint with 100 million licenses, according to my sources. I found the figure of 29 percent intriguing as well. Most organizations have multiple search systems, so any break out will total more than 100 percent, and most of the systems generate significant dissatisfaction among their users. So the Google penetration raised my eye brows. I think the numbers are out of sync with the data I have collected for my search analyses. But that’s statistics.

Check out the report. You may find the thumbnail descriptions of the search leaders amusing. Yahoo is in the list. Yahoo! Wow.

Stephen Arnold, October 11, 2008


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