Yahoo Search: More Needed than an Ad Campaign

October 16, 2008

On October 14, 2008, Yahoo revealed new search features. You can read the story here. You can read ReadWriteWeb’s discussion here. The publicity suggests real change. I just see an ad campaign, including radio spots. With its share price below $14, Yahoo needs to deliver muscle, not window dressing. The economic downturn will exact a toll on Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo. Of the three, Yahoo will be least able to turn the dip into a scoop of ice cream.

That Microsoft buy out offer looks better than a new ad campaign for Yahoo search. I think it still looks good to some Yahoo shareholders. For Yahoo fans, this announcement may be a big deal. For this addled goose, it’s one more example of a company that went from leader to AOL clone in more ways than one.

Stephen Arnold, October 16, 2008


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