Autonomy by Fiat

October 17, 2008

Many readers express annoyance that I flag Autonomy’s “big deal” contracts. These are important because Autonomy wants to win the major search competitions. Also, the company knows that large companies often commit to projects that generate more money than license deals for such companies as dtSearch, for example. I learned today (October 15, 2008) that Italy’s Fiat has signed a deal to use Autonomy’s technology for its eTech portal. You can read “Fiat Group Taps Autonomy Solution for Its eTech Portal” in here. Information will also appear on the Autonomy Web site here in due course. eTech is the technical documentation research point of reference for Fiat Group Automobiles. This deal illustrates how search vendors are morphing into solution providers in narrower market segments. I think we will see more of this focusing as the financial pressures ripple through the business community.

Stephen Arnold, October 17, 2008


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