Podcast Interview with Stephen Arnold

October 17, 2008

Beyond Search’s own Stephen Arnold recently talked with Richard Wallis at the Panlibus blog in advance of Stephen’s delivery of the closing keynote address at the Online Information 2008 conference Dec. 2-4 at Olympia Hall in London. The podcast and summary write up are available here.

In the interview, Arnold said, “Organizations want solutions, not unkept promises about information access. Opportunities exist despite the tough economic climate for search and content processing companies.”

Also covered in the conversation are a review of Stephen’s career, notes about his presentation on emerging technologies and enterprise search, and a review of how technology components and the applications they power can be tailored to their users. Stephen is best known for his work on search and the Google phenomenon.

The conversation is also available at the conference web site or you can download the podcast directly.

Jessica Bratcher, October 17, 2008


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