Google’s Eric Schmidt Doesn’t Want Government Job

October 27, 2008 reported on October 22, 2008, here that “Google CEO Denies Interest in Government Job.” Jason Lee Miller points out that Eric Schmidt, Google’s chief executive officer, has campaigned for Barack Obama. A rumor flared that Mr. Schmidt sought a permanent position with Mr. Obama if the democrat’s campaign for president were successful. According to Mr. Miller:

But Schmidt says he’s not interested. “I’ll put an ‘N’ and an ‘O’ and circle around it, if that would be helpful,” CBS News quotes Schmidt as saying. He has a multinational corporation to run. Of course, Obama, like so many others before him, once wasn’t interested in running for President. Sometimes being asked makes all the difference.

If one were to speculate on other potential technology advisors, Vint Cerf, also a Googler might make the short list. With Google’s increasing sophistication in the ways of Washington, DC, a touch of Potomac fever is understandable. In my opinion, until the election has been decided either by the electoral college or a group of supreme court worthies, the issue is silly. What is significant is that Google’s growing troubles with anti monopolistic issues in the US and Russia may make a political route increasingly attractive. When politics and technology mix, it is tough to predict what will happen. The bottom line for Google is revenue. Whatever it takes, I suppose, will be explored.

Stephen Arnold, October 27, 2008


One Response to “Google’s Eric Schmidt Doesn’t Want Government Job”

  1. Natural Vitamins : on October 28th, 2010 2:42 am

    government jobs are still the best when it comes to job security ~`,

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