OrcaTec’s Truevert: Green and Semantic Search

November 4, 2008

Truevert, created by OrcaTecjust released a beta version of its vertical semantic search engine that returns “green”-topic results. The program pulls its search from the body of Yahoo! spidered pages, and it interprets results based on context within the documents rather than keyword counts and popularity of hits. The goal is to focus on environment-conscious related answers. The engine will also “learn” words, no tagging or taxonomy required.

Truevert is also touted to work in any language. We ran some test quereies. “Batteries” returned attbat.com, a site with eco-friendly batteries, as the top result. In German (“Batterien”), the first result was GRS, a company that deals with recycling batteries. But in Spanish (“bateria”), the top listing was a Wikipedia entry for a type of Brazilian musical group.

They want feedback; Send it to feedback@truevert.com.

Jessica Bratcher, November 4, 2008


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