Perfect Search: New High-Speed Engine

November 25, 2008

Perfect Search ( has developed a high speed search and content processing system. The demo I saw sizzled with speed. There was speedy content processing and near zero latency query processing and results display. I was impressed and wrangled a free meal with a couple of the company’s seasoned engineers. After lunch, I ordered a fresh bottle of Perrier and grilled one of the start up’s senior technologist. You can read the full text of my interview with Ken Ebert here. Let me highlight two interesting items from the interview:

With regard to speed, I wanted more detail. Mr. Ebert told me:

The key performance differentiators are our ability to handle massive data sets and our speed. We have a current customer that has over one billion records of both structured and unstructured content that we have been able to search on a single low end server. This single server replaced seven servers that they were previously using for query processing.

I probed about the company’s plans for 2009. Perfect Search, unlike some other vendors with whom I have spoken, has embraced the idea of “surfing on Google”, which is one of my standard catchphrases. Mr. Ebert said:

In 2009, we are focusing on those customers that have very large data sets and are unsatisfied with their current solutions. As mentioned before, our very first market niche will be GSA customers who need to index and query large databases. Later in 2009, we will launch a GSA add-on appliance that will enhance email search. This combination of the GSA with our appliance will allow those wanting to do eDiscovery a very competitive solution.

If you want to get more insight into the Perfect Search approach to findability and content processing, read the entire interview. I tested the firm’s system, and I am a believer. Speed thrills or at least speed thrills me when it comes to search.

Stephen Arnold, November 25, 2008


2 Responses to “Perfect Search: New High-Speed Engine”

  1. Tim Stay on November 25th, 2008 11:37 am


    Thanks for the coverage! Tess, your technical analyst hound dog, deserves a box of doggy snacks for the most excellent understanding of our technology. We want to give you a hat tip as your writings and conference keynote speeches were influential in the development of our “surfing on Google” strategy!

    Tim Stay
    Perfect Search Corporation

  2. Perfect Search » Blog Archive » Perfect Search Covered on “Beyond Search” on November 25th, 2008 3:41 pm

    […] Arnold covered Perfect Search on his blog “Beyond Search” today, in addition to his interview with Perfect Search CTO Ken […]

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