Open Source Search

December 3, 2008

A happy quack to the reader who called this write up about open source search to my attention. The author is Steve at the Web log Tek-Dev here. Steve has written a four-part series, and the information is quite useful.

Part One here is a quick run down of the core components of a search system. Part Two here takes a look at Lucene’s architecture and presents a chunk of the parsing code. Part Three here tackles crawling a Web site and adding to the Lucene index. Part Four here discusses the Lucene function to perform operations with the Lucene Index Reader and the Lucense Analyzer. Part Four contains useful code examples as well. You will want to download and retain this series.

Stephen Arnold, December 3, 2008


One Response to “Open Source Search”

  1. spfw on March 20th, 2009 6:41 pm

    The link for part 2 points to part 1 !


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