Autonomy and Big Data

December 6, 2008 reported that Autonomy’s technology manages more than seven petabytes of data. “Autonomy Reaches New Benchmark for Managing World’s Largest Data Archive” here said that the Autonomy Digital Safe “archives three million files an hour, which works out the more than 830 files a second. The Earthtimes’ report said:

Autonomy Digital Safe is a massively scalable, hosted archive service
that enables customers to outsource the storage and management of their email
messages, rich-media files, instant messages (IMs), unified communications
content and content from over 400 repositories to a trusted, proven

More information about the system is available on the Autonomy Web site here. If you have an axe to gring with Autonomy, please, contact them. I am linking to a story, not writing the story.

Stephen Arnold, December 6, 2008


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