SharePoint Thesaurus Tool

December 7, 2008

I know you love SharePoint as much as I do. With taxonomies quite the hot ticket, I have wondered how to create a word list for SharePoint quickly. Mauro Cardarelli has come to my rescue and maybe yours too? His”SharePoint Thesaurus Utility” here provides nifty Excel file and macro to make my life a little easier when pumping SharePoint full of terms. One of the clever twists in SharePoint thesaurus file is that the thesaurus won’t work if a term is duplicated. Now I know this makes a difference in organizations where meta is a term, meta-data is a term and meta-meta-data are valid terms. You can download the Excel file here. If the link is dead, you can hunt through the postings at A happy quack to Mr. Cardarelli as well.

Stephen Arnold, December 7, 2008


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