Google Chrome EULA
December 13, 2008
You will want to click to and read the article “Your New Agreement with Google, Chrome Users” here. We have Chrome on an isolated machine and use it with Tess’s Gmail account. Tess doesn’t pay much attention to EULAs. So far, she’s ignored my demands for her to scrutinize these easily changed, fluid, and maybe unenforceable Webby injunctions. You, however, may be more discriminating than Tess and, therefore, need to know what the GOOG is morphing in the Chrome EULA. I don’t want to repeat what Marshall Kirkpatrick has dug from the Google prose. I would like to quote the comment that resonated with me: “…Google is now making moves to promote Chrome over Firefox and a Mac version is in the works.” Chrome is an important technology for Google. Think containers. Chrome does containers quite well.
Stephen Arnold, December 13, 2008