Chrome Bumps Firefox

December 14, 2008

Chrome, which is viewed as Google’s browser, has run over Firefox. According to PC World here, on Saturday, Google replaced Firefox with Chrome in the Google Pack download bundle. The article “Google Dumps Firefox from Download Bundle, Swaps in Chrome” said that in non-English versions of Google Pack Firefox is still included. Chrome is much more than a browser. My research suggests that Chrome is an umbilical to the infrastructure of the Googleplex. Chrome is, therefore, a very big deal for the GOOG. Firefox just became road kill as Google’s Hummer grinds forward. Who’s next? I guess we will have to wait until next week end to find out.

Stephen Arnold, December 15, 2008


2 Responses to “Chrome Bumps Firefox”

  1. Greg on December 14th, 2008 7:15 pm

    This is a topic I can get into. Just got here and need to surf around it a little bit more.
    Get set up so far and topics that we all can have an opinion about.
    I am still learning this web stuff.
    I found a great 100% free web site package at

    I found it though

    If anyone was interested. It is a great way to learn.
    Otherwise I am going to read on and get more in tune with all these topics. I have alot of opinions and want to share more.
    Thanks Greg

  2. William on December 15th, 2008 5:34 am

    I think that one of the important points that is being missed is that this is one of google,s moves into becoming an closed source OS player.

    Unlike firefox (Open Source) Chrome can easily be tied to Googles developer application service, mobile OS, as well any other services that googles wants to become part of their OS stack.

    It is interesting to note that Microsoft was once the company that tried and in many ways succeeded in becoming a closed source monopoly for the OS on PC’s. Also interesting to note that Microsoft’s inclusion of IE with the OS was the ultimate undoing of their empire.

    Why do we not seem to be concerned about google’s attempts to become a closed source monopoly in this and many other areas ?

    Where does all of this leave firefox ?
    Maybe they must survive because google needs them to keep the “Do no Evil” illusion alive while they attempt to monopolize another market.

    I m also very curious as to where the Open Source community is on this ?

    How come there seems to be no voice from Open Source about googles activities ?
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